
クーポンコード 2503WW20
期間 2025/3/20-3/23【4日間】
②【全商品】ポイント 10倍還元
期間 2025/3/31まで
🌷Special Spring Campaign Starts at W!🌷
①【Brand-new Items & USED Items】Get 10% off on purchases over 20,000 JPY!!
Coupon code: 2503WW20
Period: 2025/03/20 00:00 JST ~ 2025/03/23 23:59 JST【4 DAYS】
②【All Products Included】 10x Points Campaign!
Period: 2025/3/18 00:00 (JST) ~ 3/31 23:59 (JST)
<Regarding the 10%OFF coupon>
※ The items with "【クーポン対象外】" are excluded.
***Please note that exempt items from the coupons can be checked on our Japanese website, not on the English page.
※ Cannot be combined with other coupons/points.
※ Coupon must be entered during the order process. We cannot apply it to you afterwards.
***Please verify if the discount has been applied before proceeding with the payment.
<Regarding the points campaign>
※For purchases over 100 JPY
※You can exchange 1 point for a coupon worth 1 JPY and shop at WunderWelt.
※Note: points will be given after the product is shipped!
<折扣券码> 2503WW20
<活动期间> 北京时间 2025/3/19 23:00~3/23 22:59
<活动期间> ~北京时间 2025/3/31 22:59
※获得的积分可兑换优惠券,优惠券可在之后的购物中使用。兑换方法详见@Wunderwelt-日本Lolita洋装通贩 置顶微博。